We are a nonprofit youth organization
that specializes in community.
It is our mission to develop youth athletes into scholars through academic enrichment and career planning so they can begin their path to earning college acceptance or developing a trade while they are becoming well-rounded citizens. We do more than just serve the athlete, we strive to serve the whole person. We offer basketball training and instruction with academic tutoring and mentorship.

It all started with the idea to bring the opportunity to bring AAU basketball to children in the town of Long Branch that may not have the funds or resources to play for an AAU team. Years later that dream has grown from one team to many, and from just playing basketball to building a community. In 2017, the program joined forces with an existing non-profit to become the Community Balance Foundation that it is today.

Our mission is to develop youth athletes into scholars through academic enrichment and career planning so that they can earn college acceptance or develop a trade while becoming well-rounded citizens. We work to equip our athletes with the proper tools needed to make it in the real world. Through our services, we have watched boys grow into men and girls grow into women. It is our mission to serve the whole person, not just the athlete.

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